Memory Game

Picture of Memory Game Picture of Memory Game Picture of Memory Game Picture of Memory Game
Project Information

Name: Memory Game

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

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About this project

This memory game is a fun and interactive way to test users' memory skills. It offers three difficulty levels; easy, medium, and hard - allowing users to challenge themselves. I used HTML and CSS to design a bright and colourful user interface, and JavaScript for the game logic and functionality. The game is fully responsive, allowing users to enjoy it on their phones while on the go or on a computer at home.

About this project

This memory game is a fun and interactive way to test users' memory skills. It offers three difficulty levels; easy, medium, and hard - allowing users to challenge themselves. I used HTML and CSS to design a bright and colourful user interface, and JavaScript for the game logic and functionality. The game is fully responsive, allowing users to enjoy it on their phones while on the go or on a computer at home.